“What can help me?” I hear her say. “I am in a pickle here.”
No! There will not be brined cucumber for her as long as I am around. After a few moments I hear it. Ah, she remembers I am stashed in the bottom drawer of the desk. Happy moment for me. She lifts me out and unwraps the foil that keeps my square shape fresh and beautiful.
While I do share the space with coarsely chopped peanuts, and some flakes that I believe would be better suited in a bowl full of milk, I know it is the dark part of me she craves. As I have done many times before, she hopes that the taste of my silky sweet wash of flavor will energize and inspire her.
After eating half of my chocolate goodness, she looks at the paper. Not a single written word mars its virgin pallor. Was it time to move those fingers?
Not yet. I beckon again. She closes her eyes and takes another bite. I can feel her mmmm of pleasure.
“Are you finished with the report?” Her boss stands in the doorway.
She looks at him and swallows. “The research is taking longer than I thought.”
I always have more work to do.
~ ~ ~ ~
A new chat can be found at #storycraft on Sundays at 6pm EST. In addition to all the good talk last week, participants were given an assignment: to write a story (300-500 words) from the perspective of an inanimate object. The above was my contribution.
The founders of #storycraft are @TamaraNKitties @Danisidhe and @IamJaymes
They share space at @Story_Craft